Sunday, September 26, 2010

Fishes of Whitethorne-Sept 23

On Thursday I went out with VDGIF to Whitetorne to help in their depletion survey. Unfortunately, I was on one of the runner boats that handled large fish from the shocking boats and then returned the fish to the stream, so I wasn't on at processing long enough to capture any pictures of the fish. However, I am sure Ben will post some later when he add to my list below:

-Largemouth bass: Habitat generalist, but prefers clear quiet water with logs, rocks, and vegetation for cover. They are capable of suriving a wide range of temperatures.

-Smallmouth bass: Usually in clearer water than largemouths and prefers cooler water temperatures. Smallmouths generally inhabit lotic and lentic habitats and also prefer structure.

-Black jumprock: Prefer fast current in moderate gradient streams with large substrate such as boulders and cobble.

- Madtom: In riffles and runs of moderate gradient streams.

-Muskie: Clear, slow waters and particularly in areas of vegetation or rocky outcrops to provide cover.

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