Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Dump in the creek, or the other way round

On our routine water quality sampling expeditions, we have come across several interesting natural features on the various creeks we work on. Added to this, other very 'unnatural' features have turned up. The list below includes some of the interesting items we found in, and very close to, Tom's Creek at Poverty (all within a 250m reach!) on Nov. 11, 2008.
1. 1 cooler with 6 (unopened!) cans of beer right on a riffle.
2. 3 deer carcass-skeletons at various stages of decomposition.
3. 1 large wooden hose reel.
4. 1 football helmet!
5. A 'sizable' amount of used cotton wool.
6. 1 standard-sized rubbish bin full and covered with black polythene (very foul-smelling).

Other items that we have come across elsewhere (in, or very close to, a creek) are: 1 garden chair and 1 huge blue crayfish claw!


Anonymous said...

let's not forget a measuring tape, a meter stick, a pristine six-pack of unopened Michelob Ultra (salvaged), railroad ties, and outdoor stair railing, and countless opened beer cans (sculpin habitat)

hornyhead said...

also such treasures as a poverty creek oyster shell (a very rare species), a football, and a boat (Toms 5... Geyson wanted to come back for it)